Yoga Teacher Training
Hawaii Big Island Ocean Front

“Discover your True Nature as a Yoga Teacher”

Join us for an Educational Adventure of a Lifetime

January 12-30, 2025

200 / 300 hour Yoga Alliance Certification

ongoing Mentorship

Applications now accepted. Limited to 15 participants.

“Our True Nature is a reflection of Nature itself and the amazing Universe in which we abide.” ~ Deborah

Ancient Yogic (whole) Wisdom and Ayurveda (life Knowledge)
offer vast exploration into the expanse and simplicity of these practical teachings.

We are living in very inspiring and exciting times where science and spirituality are becoming accessible and useful as the fields of Neuroscience and the practices of Asana, (Movement)Pranayama (breath) and Meditation (introspection) are changing lives more powerfully than every before.

Join us on a transformative adventure into the many facets of Yoga.

Live ocean front with us as we nourish ourselves with fresh island foods, warm clear waters, immersed in the primal simple nature of the Big Island.

Explore yoga and the Big Island as a lifestyle in a vibrant yet relaxed learning environment with a group of like minded inspired friends.

200 hour and 300 hour

Yoga Teacher Training
Course Description

The Yoga Immersion format will be an inspirational, accessible and educational foundation for anyone who wants to learn more about their bodies, minds, emotions, spirituality and “Nature as teacher”. Through practical Yoga philosophy, relatable anatomy and physiology, neuroscience, and other tools we nurture health and happiness as a lifestyle.

We will explore the study of Yoga to navigate challenges and ingrained patterns [Samskaras], with introspection, respect and clarity. Through Asana, useful breathing [Pranayama], relaxation, restorative practices, meditation our aim is to create strength, stability, safety, and re-patterning. Adventures in neuroscience will help us to explore the underlying physical structure and energetics that influence and inform our lives emotionally, mentally and physically. The course will integrate the learning directly to daily life, giving you a groundwork to support yourselves and others in an ongoing transformational process.

Each session will have a focus for learning to be applied to a specific area of the curriculum for a 200/300 hour Yoga teacher training, mentoring, and continuing education training.

Discovering your nature and path in the practice of yoga for your personal journey will include: Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Restorative Yoga, Anatomy, Physiology, Subtle Energy, the Chakras, the Elements and Nature as Teacher, Ayurveda, and Yoga Philosophy.

Establishing new circuitries in our body and mind will introduce healthy ways to inform ourselves of our innate spiritual essence. These are useful tools to navigate the ocean of life and stay grounded during challenging times.

Right now is such an exciting time. Together we can create a web of education and cultivate understanding, which will guide us all through the doorway of human consciousness that we are experiencing. We can harness the true power of the present moment and join together to see what we can discover.

All students who complete Deborah’s accredited course will receive a certificate of completion from Deborah with which you can then register for either the 200 or 300 level Yoga Alliance or continuing education credits. We were one of the first schools to be registered with Yoga Alliance since 2001.

Deborah also is a certified Yoga Therapist with IAYT and she and her school are members of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. See our Yoga Therapy page. 

Hale Kai (ocean house) is our ocean front retreat in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Described by guests as a work of art, Hale Kai offers beautiful open air living in a peaceful and inspirational environment created and built by David, Deborah and daughter Alison. The Balinese style Yoga space, kitchen, and accommodations blend with the spirit of old Hawaii to create a magical place for yoga retreats workshops and teacher trainings. Beautiful gardens and fruit trees grace the land at Hale Kai. We are blessed to be on this lovely Island and to share it with our guests.

Yoga Workshops and Teacher Trainings with Deborah and friends at Hale Kai are a unique and special experience found no where else in Hawaii. Deborah’s yoga adventure teacher trainings and school are registered with Yoga Alliance at the 200 and 300 hour levels.

We limit our Trainings to 10-15 students insuring caring attention to detail and a comfortable learning environment.

Hale Kai is located on the crystal clear waters of Ho’okena Bay, perfect for swimming and snorkeling. A myriad of colorful tropical fish, Sea turtle, humpback whale and spinner dolphin frequent the bay.

The weather is warm and sunny year round. We receive very little rain fall. Seasonal afternoon showers are welcome and refreshing. The Big Island has many beautiful beaches, waterfalls, warm springs, vapor caves, mountain hikes and Volcano National Park where you can experience Madam Pele the active volcano, Sea Kayaking is available at Hale Kai and there are numerous surf spots around the Island.

We feel that adventuring and exploring in nature is one of the greatest teachers and prepares us to be more connected, natural and sincere in our teaching.

A typical teacher training day at Hale Kai revolves around concentrated time in our ocean front yoga space studying, asana, yoga philosophy, anatomy and physiology, both physical and subtle, pranayama and meditation, time to enjoy the beauty and nature surrounding Hale Kai and living the life of a yogi.

We begin with meditation, tea, juice and fruit and a 3 1/2 hour morning class. We will share in a brunch of fresh islands fruits and vegetables.

Our experience continues as we deepen our connection with ourselves and nature, swimming in the ocean, walking, kayaking, reading and resting, gardening.

An evening gathering or personal study time follows dinner. Guest speakers include teachers with expertise and passion in the areas of anatomy, physiology, subtle energy and yoga philosophy.

200/300-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered
and Continuing Education


 ~ participant reflections ~

Gain your Yoga foundation from an inspirational Yogini and healer – Deborah  Koehn.  She imparts an incredible amount of Yoga philosophy, anatomy, meditation  and asana knowledge using a relaxed but immersive method at Hale Kai on the Big  Island of Hawaii.  While the curriculum could seem overwhelming to absorb during  the training, you truly will walk away understanding the mind, body and nature connection that makes yoga such a useful life practice that you can share with  others.    ~  Kim Metta

My experience at the 2018 Yoga Adventure Teacher Training at Hale Kai was  transformative, beautiful, and empowering. Deborah’s wisdom and experience is  absolutely priceless. I can not express how blessed I feel to have learned from  someone so knowledgeable, intuitive, and loving. ~ Liz

Teacher Training

January 12-30, 2025

200/300 hour

 ~ participant reflections ~

“My experience in Hawaii with you, your family and the beautiful students is and always will be a highlight in my life and something I will never forget. I learned a lot about myself during those weeks and gained a different perspective on my life and that alone was worth the journey. I have tried to keep David’s words in my mind, “when things get rough ‘flow like water’ “. These simple words have served me well many times. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you; for sharing your love, your gifts, and your knowledge with all of us along the way. I hope you know what amazing, beautiful people you are and what a positive impact you have on those around you. The gifts you give are both immeasurable and intangible.”

– Joannie Salt Lake City, Utah Hawaii Yoga Teacher Training

“Thanks or such a wonderful experience! You are a teacher who truly inspires from within. I am so grateful for all you do.”
– Henri, High School Biology Teacher, New Mexico Hawaii Teacher Training

 “The most important teaching I got from Deborah was patience; the body can heal itself, but this takes time and a constant honoring of where you are today on your mat. Even though my knee may never be pain-free, I have avoided that fourth knee surgery and feel stronger than ever before.”
– Faith Aspen Colorado Hawaii Teacher Training

I wanted to share my yoga teacher with you. She is an amazing yoga teacher. I did her teacher training in Hawaii and learnt so much from her. She is very authentic. Walks the walk of a yoga teacher. If you enjoy yoga please check out her workshop. She is very focused on injury prevention and correct alinement. Also connecting to nature while doing yoga.
– Serena Breadmore Perth Aurstralia/ San Diego California Naturoptathic doctor

“How sweet it is. Thanks for the wholesome experience, which touched me from the bones to the surface. I hope I will continue to share your knowledge and experiences with us all. I look forward to continue learning from you and learning together.”
– Aaron Carbondale, Colorado Acupuncturist, Chinese medicine man Hawaii Teacher Training

Spending time at Hale Kai with Deborah and David was truly an amazing experience and I feel very fortunate that I was able to spend three beautiful weeks in Hawaii. Attending a yoga teacher training was a dream of mine for a long time and I am so happy and thankful that my dream was fulfilled by attending Deborah’s yoga teacher training. This was such a life changing and transformative experience for me. Deborah is an amazing woman full of love and kindness. She has been on so many adventures and draws from those experiences in her teaching. She has a passion for her students and teaching yoga. I feel as though she will be with me always acting as a guiding influence in my yoga practice and in my life. Being at Hale Kai was a very special time in my life. Hale Kai is a magical place. Deborah and David have build a wonderful and beautiful retreat that allows students to experience nature and connect with the earth and yoga. I met life long friends from all over the world and experienced the beauty of Hawaii every day. Practicing yoga on the lava rocks with the waves crashing around me was powerful and connected me with nature and my yoga practice. I look forward to sharing my love of yoga and my appreciation for all the wonderful things I learned from Deborah and in Hawaii with students I have the opportunity to teach. And as Deborah says I will continue to “spread the love!”
– Lisa Edwards Colorado

I completed Deborah’s Yoga Adventure 200 hour teacher training in 2011. It was such a life changing, magical experience! From the moment I arrived on the beautiful Big Island, I was greeted with warmth and hugs from Deborah, her husband David, and her daughter Allison. They welcomed me into their amazing home where I immediately felt like family. Every day was such an experience! I had been practicing for years but was completely transformed from all I learned at training. We studied and broke down postures, taught them to each other, learned anatomy, and really broke down the essence of poses. We studied yoga, took hikes, and swam in the incredibly clear ocean every day! We even were blessed to swim with the dolphins! The food provided was delicious and healthy! I often copy many of their recipes! In the 21 days that I spent at Yoga Adventures, I made lifelong friendships, had unforgettable experiences, and, most importantly, left with the skills and knowledge to become a yoga instructor. I am currently teaching yoga at a high school in a suburb of Chicago, as well as teaching at two local heated studios. Earning this certificate has opened many doors for me in life, and has changed my life completely! Thanks Deb and David for offering this wonderful training!
– Jennifer Thiede Chicago

Yoga Adventure on the Big Island with Deborah and David and company was all that I ever could have dreamed of and beyond. As a Yogini, going into this adventure I knew some of what being a true Yogi would entail, and I had hoped that we would be living that way there. I was not disappointed with my expectations at all, in fact, I was in total Bliss. Deborahs love of teaching and sharing the true essence of Yoga is blatantly clear. All of her stories of Yoga and travel were inspiring. David is a warm and loving man.
– Tanya Joy

Teacher Training Meals


I am a dancer from Australia who has recently completed the ‘Yoga Adventure’ Yoga Teacher Training Course with Deborah Koehn in Hawaii in 2013. There are not enough words to describe how amazing and wonderful this Yoga Teacher Training Course with Deborah really was. The location, the lodgings and the people surpassed anything I could ever have imagined. Deborah’s love, care and nurturing throughout the 3 week course was very comforting and her thorough knowledge of all aspects of Yoga is so rounded that I could learn from her for the rest of my life! The course is structured very well, giving us a solid foundation of Yoga philosophy, asanas, anatomy, practise and study time as well as opportunities to put our skills into practise. The Big Island of Hawaii is the perfect place to study Yoga and for me, having classes on the black lava rocks facing the ocean is something I will never forget. The full power of Hawaii is felt in all aspects of this training course. Through Yoga Adventure I have not only started my journey as a Yoga Teacher but I have also made lifelong friends, shared so many amazing laughs and experiences, started my own healing from previous injuries and found true happiness. Deborah is truly an inspiration and I feel so blessed and grateful to have studied Yoga under her guidance. Deborah and David, thank you for everything
– xo Lia Muniz Studio Samba

Continuing Education in Other Locations