Join us for an Educational Immersion into the
Spirit and Culture of Peru

May 17-28, 2024

May 29-add on camping adventure to a special remote high altitude area

This Yoga Adventure is created to share yoga and adventure as a way of life while exploreing the Sacred Sites of the Sacred Valley and remote surrounding areas. You will experience village life of our Andean friends and well as their ritual, ceremony and spiritual practices. We will   weave sharing yoga into these experinces as well as deepening our learning of Asana, Yoga Philosophy, Pranayama and Meditaion. We will be living the teachings of great elements or Mahbhuta/Nature and deepen our understanding of the Chakras.

Yoga Adventure is a Yoga Alliance registered School
200 and 500 hour level

One of the first schools registered with Yoga Alliance

Deborah is an IAYT  Certified Yoga Therapist

Continuing Education Yoga Alliance Registered

Particpants need not be Yoga teachers and on this journey  we do offer continuing education options, The educational opportunity during this Yoga Adventure is amazing because of Deborah’s long time connection with Peru as well as teaching and sharing Yoga Therapy Internationally

Please also return to our Peru page for more information about our lifetime of  Yoga and Adventure in Peru.

Peru Continuing Education fullfillment

 50 Hours

Here is a sample for May 2024

  • Electives 5 hours
  • Teaching techniques and methodology 15 hours
  • Yoga for the Village People 5 hours
  • Seva/karma yoga (service in remote villages) 5 hours
  • Yoga Philosophy,  seeing through the eyes of the Shaman 5 hours
  • Panca Mahabuta (five great elements) 5 hours
  • The Chakras 5 hours
  • Living the life of a Yogi 5 hours

*Full curriculum, reading list upon request

Yoga for the Village People is our offering to introduce and support yoga in small village communities that would not otherwise have access to the benefits of yoga.

In Bali, many elders in the village show up for yoga every week with great gratitude and enthusiasm. They tell stories of being able to eat rice again with their hands which had become stiff and arthritic, feeling stronger and more balanced, happier, more open in their hips and shoulders and free in their spine. It is a time for them to gather together, laugh and move and see and feel the health benefits of the yoga that we are sharing together.

We share in partner yoga, as well as explaining and educating them about their anatomy and physiology. We also enhance and support their Hindu lineage of ancient earth-based spiritual practices.

Global friendships become bridges to world peace and we have fun along the way.

We have the opportunity to practice yoga, and to learn and grow personally by teaching yoga to the wonderful people in these beautiful places.

This is an educational experience for everyone; you will be able to experience ways of working with individuals therapeutically, and how to teach a large group of beginners.

The appreciation that these people have for our sharing is something you will never forget!


Their receptivity and eagerness to reap the benefits of what we have to share, be it the relief of sore backs from sitting and weaving all day, selling in the marketplace, plowing the fields, cooking for the family, or monks sitting in meditation on the cold stone floors of monasteries perched on rocky crags in the Himalayas – the joy and fun of sharing yoga in other cultures is heartwarming and rewarding.

This year after a weaving demonstration, Peruvian village women showed me what they had practiced from last year’s yoga session and told stories of their hands, necks, shoulders and backs feeling better.

On our adventures with like minded travelers, we gain support for what we know to be true today about our world and ourselves.

Every Yoga Adventure brings us home with a refreshed commitment to being fully present in each moment of truth, compassion, and a vision for world peace. Yoga has a very strong momentum globally, and we are a part of that momentum.

Yoga has a very strong momentum globally and we are a part of that momentum.

If you feel moved to become a yoga teacher in your community, globally, or want to be part of giving back with yoga, while experiencing village life, surfing, and trekking, while deepening your own yoga practice and studies – please contact us.

once-in-a-lifetime experience

Intimate group size

~participant reflections~

The 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Peru was exceptional! Deborah’s deep knowledge of Yoga and her connection to the landscape and people provided a rich and diverse experience. We traveled through the Sacred Valley, experiencing the Peruvian culture and people in an intimate and personal way. We stayed at a beautiful eco-retreat center, trekked to remote villages and participated in sacred ceremonies with Shaman friends. The places we stayed were beautiful and the food was so delicious!

Throughout the trip, we provided Yoga to the Peruvian people; including women weavers, children in remote villages and even construction workers who enthusiastically participated. So much laughter and smiles were shared at each stop. The experience certainly deepened my own practice, knowledge and teaching of Yoga while it also expanded my understanding of the world and the beautiful people in it.

Beth Nolan

Please contact David and Deborah
about trips that include Yoga for the Village People.

Join us for an Educational Immersion into the Spirit and Culture of Peru

May 15-28, 2024

Yoga Alliance Accredited
Continuing Education

We are celebrating our 45th year sharing yoga and our love for the power, beauty and wisdom of the Andes and her indigenous people. Once again, in May 2024, we will travel through the mountains of Peru gathering earth knowledge, strengthening our bodies through hiking and yoga, calming our minds in nature and meditation and connecting to pure simplicity of the heart, through the teachings of our Quechuan family and Q’ero Shaman friends.

Join us in their sweet message of caring for “Pacchamama” (Earth Mother), and each other as we experience the lessons of Ayni (reciprocity, interdependence and connectedness of all life). Participate in Despachos – the practice of prayerful ritual and ceremony to communicate and connect with the natural world and spirit.

Receive initiation into their earth based ceremony which has beautiful roots connecting to the ancient yogic teachings.

Experience spirituality, art, traditional weaving, music, food and lifestyle of the Quechua peoples through direct connection with lifelong family, friends, shamans, and artisans. A people and place that carries the prayer for global healing and personal health and transformation.

Explore some of our favorite Incan sites and villages in the Sacred Valley and Cuzco. Experience high Andean village life as we journey to Machu Picchu. Visit the magical ruins of Ollantaytambo, Pisac and the traditional weaving village of Chinchero; perched spectacularly atop the “AltiPlano”.

Experience the highest levels of Incan healers, seers and artisans.

Fresh in our memories and hearts is our most recent Yoga Adventure to Peru – incredibly fun, exhilarating, enlightening and rejuvenating.

Our Yoga Accommodations in the Sacred Valley are lovely, remote, and rural with beautiful flower gardens, gracious, kind staff, delicious, healthy meals and spectacular mountain views. Exquisitely created over the years into colorful, comfortable abodes where spirit of place and sacred space will allow you to feel immediately at home.

Traveling in the Andes brings us close to the lives of the people and to the rich and vibrant spirit of the Andes with the sounds of the river (Mayoc) rushing below and 6,000 meter glaciated peaks looming above. The Apus (or gods) of the mountains will grace us with their presence as we sleep in our sweet and comfortable accommodations and beneath the endless starry Andean sky.

Enjoy time at Machu Picchu to explore and immerse yourself in the ruins, stories, spirit and magic of this incredible and timeless place. The Peru Yoga Adventure is designed for travelers and yogis with moderate levels of hiking experience, and for an additional and more substantial trek.

Contact us if you have any concerns about the rigors of the trip.

The trip fee includes all land costs, transportation, and accommodations (which are based on double occupancy). Most meals are included. The fee does not include alcoholic beverages, laundry and room service, or airfare.

Price: TBA depending on number of partiipants

Yoga Alliance registered School
200 and 500 hour level
Continuing Education Yoga Alliance Registered
Peru Fulfillment hours: 50

(everyone welcome not just yoga teachers)

  • Electives 5 hours
  • Teaching techniques and methodology 15 hours
  • Yoga for the Village People 5 hours
  • Seva/karma yoga (service in remote villages) 5 hours
  • Yoga Philosophy seeing through the eyes of the Shaman 5 hours
  • Panca Maha Buta (great elements) 5 hours
  • Chakras 5 hours
  • Living the life of a Yogi 5 hours

*Full curriculum, reading list upon request

David and Deborah were among the first to explore the Sacred Valley, Machu Picchu and the surrounding magical mountains. They climbed and skied Nevado Ausangate, the highest peak in Southern Peru. At 21,000′,  Ausangate is a predominant Apu (or mountain God) emitting a powerful presence and beauty.

45 years ago, they established pathways of travel during this time in Peru that have now become predominant tourist routes in Peru.

The friendships established during these adventures into remote areas of the high Andes remain at the heart of their travels to Peru. Their aim is to share this loving and spiritually infused land and people with those blessed to travel along with them on their journeys.

The days are full. Expect to walk a lot. Explore Cusco’s Incan streets, stairways, exquisite ruins, intricate and massive stonework and sacred sites.

Choosing to join Deborah and David in Peru is choosing to go right to the heartbeat of the Andean land and peoples. Each day is steeped in their knowledge of these amazing mountains and culture which make it such a special place.

~participant reflections~

The best bit for me about teaching yoga to the villagers was that it inspired me in seeing that yoga is for all.  You don’t have to be a certain shape or height or weight, it fits everyone.  I carried that home with me and made all my classes inclusive and that is what, I believe, made them such a success.

The ladies who weaved all day and worked so hard benefitted from a bunch of enthusiastic yoga teachers turning up, ready and willing to share their knowledge and skills with a little humour and a sprinkling of love.  It was a lovely day and after the big circle of yoga love we all settled down to extend the love through the magic of touch….a little hand and shoulder massage, a smile and a laugh can go a long way to break down the language barrier….there are no barriers in yoga.

Hope these reflections help Deborah, it was simply the best trip and I loved everything we did and everyone we met!

Much love
Paddy xx



Mariana De La Puente is Peruvian and lives with her husband and two delightful childsren right in the heart of the Sacred valley.

Mari loves being in contact with the natural and cyclical rhythms that we inhabit. She shares practices for listening to these rhythms through conscious movement, and living infusing her intuitive ways and sweetness into the meditation, pranayama and asana teachings. She truly embodies these teachings and is a real gem.

Mari participated in my yoga teacher training many years ago in Hawaii as well as travels to study in India and Italy the Iyengar tradition, Yin Yoga and Therapeutic applications of yoga!
Mari created “La ruta Numinosa” Which is a special program 1:1 in which she integrates Hormonal Nutrition, Meditation, yoga therapy and art Therapy And a therapeutic self care Circle, specially for motherhood.